2025 Shift Calendar
2024 Shift Calendar
2023 Shift Calendar
2022 Shift Calendar
2021 Shift Calendar
2020 Shift Calendar
2019 Shift Calendar
2018 Shift Calendar
Verify emergency services to my property (for homeowner’s insurance) Schedule a business or construction inspection Schedule a car seat check Schedule a station tour or community event Submit a records request Get information about smoke alarms Go on a Ride-Along Get a Burn Permit Write a note to the Fire Chief Contact an SFMD office Report a fire hazard or code violation
Cigna Healthcare
Assurant – Dental
Avesis – Vision
Aetna – EAP
Public Safety Retirement
Arizona State Retirement
Employee Separation
Employee Intranet Access
Paycheck Web Portal
United Fire
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Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.
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